
I've spoken places! To real people!

Building Excalibur.js - TypeScript Game Engine For the Web

Presented @ IGDA TC July 2024

Ever wonder what it's like to build a game engine for the web? I've been building an open source one for over a decade! Excalibur is a friendly engine that is very object oriented and feels a lot like Unity or Godot.
I'll talk about everything Excalibur
* The history, motivation, and philosophy
* Features of Excalibur
* Building the API and design decisions
* How to build games
* And the future!
At the end of this you'll know how to make your own web games!

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You Don't Want Serverless 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Presented @ NDC Oslo 2024

Serverless is a lose-lose. Don't use it. There's been a lot of over-hype around it and I'm here to tell you not to buy in.

I'll talk about the various shortcomings, mitigations, and solutions!
* Cloud provider business incentive misalignment
* Very poor developer experience
* Cold starts and performance problems
* Concurrency myths
* Cheap cost myths
* Finally when you *should* use serverless, spoiler alert there are very few use cases that make sense

At the end of this you'll know when and where to use serverless, and when to use "boring" technology to solve your problems.


Sword in the Stone: Building an OSS Game Engine

Presented @ Minnesota Developers Conference 2022

Come and learn how the Excalibur.js 2D game engine is built and designed! This talk will dive into the important facets of building and running an open source software project along with some wisdom I've gained in the last decade building Excalibur. We'll discuss common pitfalls to avoid and attributes to adopt for a successful project.


Build Your First Game In JavaScript

Presented @ Minnesota Developers Conference 2020

Have you ever wanted to make your own video game? In this talk, I’ll cover a lot of the basics of making games for the web. We’ll look at how to draw compelling 2D/3D graphics with the Canvas API and WebGL, play those great sound effects with the Web Audio API, and take user input with things like the GamePad API.

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Building Games with JavaScript and Excalibur with Erik Onarheim

Presented @ Developer Side Quests Podcast 2019

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Web Games with ExcaliburJS with Erik Onarheim and Kamran Ayub

Presented @ Script & Style Podcast 2018

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Building Nintendo (NES) Games in 6502

Presented @ General Mills Code Camp 2017

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All Your Games Belong to Us

Presented @ MidwestJS 2015

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